The Beginner’s Guide To Watching Porn

25. Mai 2015, von Steve


Bustle has interviewed sex expert Dana Myers on the often thorny subject of how to get yourself initiated into the sexy, sprawling and sometimes baffling world of internet porn.

A lot of the points she makes her seem fair enough. I don’t think I know anyone who has watched porn and taken notes, unless it’s the occasional mental note about something you’ve seen. I don’t think a notepad is ever necessary!

It has got me thinking about my first initiation into porn though. I was a relative latecomer (stop giggling at the back, I see you!) to porn what with being quite shy about that kind of thing. No, really!

I had a slow progression. I started on Shannon Tweed films and then the internet came around and I got a job reviewing sites where guys ejaculated on to the faces of women. A very steady learning curve, that!

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